
No trespassing beyond this point

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Sex and the City. It isn't as provocative as it seemingly sounds under the Singaporean shroud of censorship and media regulations. Amid light hearted portrayal of serious issues and Carrie's rapidfire typing of unanswered questions on her laptop, this hip drama does one thing to reiterate: it's the style that matters not looks. Miranda isn't drop dead gorgeous, neither are plenty of others all the time. And intellect helps. Then again it doesn't hurt to have a good-looker or two sometimes. And that, is where Berger comes in. From experience, I have clearly understood my taste isn't mainstream. So I won't gush over Berger as much as I would have like to. His dark brooding looks reminds me of J, whom I've awfully missed. On another note, I noticed one recurring theme in the serial: After virginity is lost, sex and everything else is about emotions not morals. Even if circumstances and reasonings make it seem a morally-backed explanation, look deeper and you see that it revolves about values as much as Samantha and monogamy.

I treated myself to some more of Season 6's episodes today, trying to make up for a regrettable day. I can't pinpoint exactly what makes me feel so regretful and uncomfortable but I definitely felt like turning back time. And starting all over from yesterday again.

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