
No trespassing beyond this point

Saturday, September 13, 2003

I got lucky last night - watched a good movie from TV's usually-mediocre selection. I didn't even know Runaway Virus was showing until it started, and didn't know it was good until I watched. 1918 had always struck me as a war year. The movie got me intrigued, led me to probe on an occurrence in 1918 I didn't know about, at least until yesterday. And I began to understand more why the recent SARS scare was, and still is, the cause for a big whoo-haa. I have decided to read up on this topic (via library borrowings/ bookstore purchases - if I have money to spare) in the holidays when I am less tied down by collegial burdens. Never underestimate the educational values of a relatively-unknown flop-type movie.

And you thought this is only a 2003 phenomenon.

Two informative links, if you are still interested.
Arctic Graves May Yield Clues on 1918 Epidemic
The 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic, and the Hong Kong Incident

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