
No trespassing beyond this point

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Notes from an Even Colder Office Environment, courtesy of Ms. P

Food, is on our mind all the time. Barely hours into the morning, we think about lunchtime. Some others don't ponder so much, but mostly because they have had a late breakfast across the road. During our hearty lunch, we assure ourselves of how sleep would slowly but surely blind our minds in the early drowsy afternoon.

Look wow, an antique laptop. Betcha you didn't know they still exist, and well they do. I am the proud user of this lovely grandmam. Thankfully, I need not lug her around and there she sits obediently on my workstation all the time.

I can't end this without a brief introduction to my mentor-senior, Mr. P (the real one, and a very serious worker at that) who has filled many an inept intern's day with laughter, diarrhoea, knowledge and constipation of sorts. No one can blame him for displaying strict regulatory instructions on his cubicle premises since he is one who rather devote a week of his precious time to serving the nation than idle time away. What can we say but Kudos to the man!

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