
No trespassing beyond this point

Thursday, March 18, 2004

From a commentary by the Paris-based William Pfaff:

In strategic and political matters, Iraq is expected to become an American ally and client, as the Gulf emirates already are, as Saudi Arabia has been for more than a half-century -- and as the Shah's Iran was from World War II war until its Khomeini revolution.

This leaves no room for Iraqi nationalism. It is a divided force now, and relatively weak, because of Iraq's divisions. But nothing empowers and unifies nationalism so effectively as a foreign military occupation. Think World War II: Greece, Yugoslavia, Poland, France -- Russia. Think postwar Indochina and Algeria. Think Vietnam.

Indeed. The common sovereign enemy always makes an excellent visible sitting duck for disgruntled people to take aim at, without fail. Even if motivation from such a cause is barely sustainable for the long run, at least in the short term things could get done and goals accomplished. This would have to suffice for now. That is, until the day when Shiites and Sunnis see the light - better to work together in rebuilding Iraq than kill each other over it.

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