
No trespassing beyond this point

Friday, August 27, 2004

From The Asian Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Kim, 62, inherited his post from his father, Kim Il Sung, following the death of North Korea's founder in 1994 in the first succession by bloodline in a communist nation. Now, intelligence officials believe that one of Kim Jong Il's three sons - including two whose mother was Ms. Ko - have a chance to succeed him.

According to the constitution, as amended in 1965, Singapore is a republic with a parliamentary system of government. Meritocracy and democracy are our catch phrases, yet brief encounters with Chinese nationals recently led to questions to the tune of "Is Singapore like North Korea?", "The Lee guy passed on the prime ministership to his son, right?" I guess it is disheartening to see that Goh Chok Tong's fourteen years didn't seem to make an impression in the minds of some mainlanders and even locals alike. Rumors have been rife that Goh's term only serves as a detractor to dispel the common belief that senior Lee has already made up his mind for junior Lee to succeed him years ago. So it seems things didn't exactly turn out as ideally as senior Lee had wanted to.

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