
No trespassing beyond this point

Monday, August 09, 2004

Last week I was at two different dining venues and have now finally understood why good service and singapore aren't exactly synonymous. And won't ever be. Both occasions were equally marred by pesky eager-to-please overly-attentive waiters and waitresses who refused to leave my friends and I alone. I know you mean well but hasn't it struck you that a pleasant dining experience can't possibly consist of conversation interruptions every five minutes under the phony cover of tending to the customer's every need? When we need your assistance we hope you would be nearby and maybe it wouldn't hurt for you to come by once in a while checking if we are doing good anot. It hurts alright when you keep coming back again and again and again to pressure us into ordering food/drinks even when we have made it clear that it'll prolly be better for you to do so at a later time. If service standards wish to reach a new high anytime soon, its industry practitioners better be clear that "Give us a couple of seconds more" is never supposed to be interpreted literally, at least.

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