
No trespassing beyond this point

Friday, December 03, 2004

Aha, white is indeed the new black.

I had a blast last weekend, absolute craziness. Perhaps it was well-earned, after an assortment of survey research/ debating skills workshops and propaganda lasting two straight days. Yet even as the newfound forbidden fruit looks tempting, morality hangs on a thin line. I met him today at a school function with the rest of the faculty members, dang it felt so weird. These couple of days are but a plethora of mixed emotions and are turning out to be extremely eventful.

Apart from meeting her president at the istana for the first time, this girl got to help out at a grassroots event and now officially freelances for the local english daily. Today she had gone for an interview, hoping to do just ok in getting the part-time student assistant position at a law firm (fingers crossed), as well as having watched a lovely play for free and concluded, nice but probably still not worth the $40 (standard price at $78) ticket.

P/s. Oh, and it's been nice meeting you M, definitely foreseeable that we'll be seeing more of each other especially with your handy guidebook.

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