Sunday, December 12, 2004
Friday, fly day.
It was only on the third and final day that I realized the chamber we were cooped in for the past days was the exact chamber where Lord Louis Mountbatten accepted the surrender of the Japanese forces on behalf of the Allied forces on 12 Sep 1945. In spite of the awe, at times I had nodded off to sleep only to be woken up by my friends in this very chamber. The mento(s)-rary respites did prove helpful while they lasted as I awaited for the next teabreak (more coffee to perk me up).
Meanwhile, friday night was great, spent wit A at club street waxing lyrical over politics, and everything else. It was amusing when the cabdrivers revolt and how he kept asking for a yard glass every place we went to, heh.
It was only on the third and final day that I realized the chamber we were cooped in for the past days was the exact chamber where Lord Louis Mountbatten accepted the surrender of the Japanese forces on behalf of the Allied forces on 12 Sep 1945. In spite of the awe, at times I had nodded off to sleep only to be woken up by my friends in this very chamber. The mento(s)-rary respites did prove helpful while they lasted as I awaited for the next teabreak (more coffee to perk me up).
Meanwhile, friday night was great, spent wit A at club street waxing lyrical over politics, and everything else. It was amusing when the cabdrivers revolt and how he kept asking for a yard glass every place we went to, heh.