
No trespassing beyond this point

Friday, February 04, 2005

Certainly eventful in an exciting way.

At the lecture today, I saw mr bertrand fort in person and found him extremely familiar. Definitely puzzling, I doubt I have met him elsewhere before yet he was so familiar, so attractive and distinguished in a middle-age sort of prime. Not forgetting that french accent of his, he makes for an appealing man.. I like him, as much as the whites and camembert cheese at the reception! Oh I guess well a little bit more.

Later in the evening when I met A at the mitre, he had brought along his friend, who'd happened to be the head instructor at Obs during both my times there, as a freshman first then a facilitator the following year. He was still the same as I'd last seen him - atheletic, tanned, good looking minus his oakleys now.

The two men made excellent conversationists, I enjoyed their company and the exchange of opinions on various issues. It's almost surreal how just a street away and a week ago, fair weathered friends were exposed when I'd least expected. This time we even got permission to explore the second floor of the creaky old building (haunted in some parts) after a coupla rounds of heinekens and tigers. Absolutely wicked!

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