Friday, October 31, 2003
I just saw on the news that The Exhibition is heading down to Singapore, at an exhibition hall not too far from where I stay. An estimated 400,000 is expected to turn out at this controversial exhibition. I want to be part of the stats! This is so (grotesquely) interesting. A total contrast to my Halloween night spent at home churning out project reports.
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
I was provoked into doing something I'd never done before today. Unrepentant, I would not hesitate to do it again. I'd probably scared my friends quite abit with my unruly behavior. I guess patience can wear thin with time and contrary to what most people think, I think I do have an attitude problem - can get quite unsociable at times. Anyhow, I felt better after the badminton game with my ex Citibank colleagues. They were a nice bunch, their mere presence just lifted my spirits especially TC. Oh boy, do I sorely miss my internship days!
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
I met L and his friend for coffee this afternoon, turns out to be quite a refreshing change from the usual school-home-project-eat-sleep cycles. I think I do need a life - get to know new friends, do new activities, be away from the boring comfort zone. What L said does keep ringing in my mind still - and the result, I do need to re-evaluate my dating options.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
The Chinese funeral is an elaborate one full of various ceremonies to follow before it comes to a close.
Grief is most magnified here, we can't help feeling the loss of a loved one even though illness and old age has taken him away.
Grief is most magnified here, we can't help feeling the loss of a loved one even though illness and old age has taken him away.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
President George W. Bush dropped by Singapore yesterday for a rare 15hr trip, all I saw were some traffic police dudes on the way home, quite a distance from where he would be.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
The lure of free music in a cash-strapped reality is too attractive for me to resist Kazaa-acquired songs. That price may be too high to pay, but it is relevant only if I am nabbed. We must continue in our risky downloads, as an ongoing signal to the music industry, that CDs are still very much overpriced. Do not give in to their heart-tugging adverts, those are but emotionally-charged distractions. The time is here for main-stream music magnates to pay their dues. The consumers Must rise in a show of rebellion. Power to the common people!
Saturday, October 18, 2003
Yesterday's conversations delve strangely into the possibilities of applying Advanced Management Accounting theories on the operations of the Singapore Armed Forces - on how army drivers should not be held accountable for all truck accidents (even when the civilian counterpart is the one at fault) and how police dog trainers should not be held wholly responsible if dogs die in their care, regardless of reason. To improve the efficiencies of the organization (army drivers in prison usually were on that above-said count), we feel national servicemen and regulars should not be liable for things not within their control. I think the applicability does extend to more , if we continue probing on the various aspects of SAF. Maybe we could suggest it to the professor as a future project topic. I for one find it more interesting than the existing ones we are working on.
Afternote: Facts not independently verified since discussion participants comprise solely of a group of 21-year-old girls who have never undergone National Service.
Afternote: Facts not independently verified since discussion participants comprise solely of a group of 21-year-old girls who have never undergone National Service.
Friday, October 17, 2003
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
The warnings on the box and container read: In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance immediately, Not to be Taken. Yet moments after applying my eye drops, I tasted what seems to be eye drop liquid - salty repulsive bitter artificial pungent - in the back of my throat. I know the eye, the nose, the throat are all connected but did something bad just happened?
Monday, October 13, 2003
Am toying with the thought of changing my hairstyle to this. In all, it makes a pleasant distraction from my current eye infection. It's the right eye now, my body certainly has a way of telling me I lack sleep. Horrid bloodshot puffy watery eye (one, to make it all the more stand out - I look so deformed) with constant discharge (pretty gross huh) has warranted a visit to the doctor who had prescribed me some anti-biotics and two bottles of eyedrops. The bad news, this isn't going to be the last time it happens if I continue to study late into the nights. I have a nudging nasty feeling that I might become partially blind in my old age.
Sunday, October 12, 2003
* * *
Don't we always remember weird fragments of our childhoods? How our childhoods were invariably shaped by our mothers' standards of how a childhood should be. Regardless of how things turn out, their views always matter, in picking the pink dress for a day out or in buying you that set of building blocks. We could have a say, but only a say within mothers' post-censored choices. And we thought we'd tasted freedom in that playground. But we never really did.
Eye still hurts. I should be revising instead of meddling with BloggerTM. I should be off, actually for the wrong reason - Euro 2004 Qualifier England vs. Turkey match. To make up for that guilt, I promise, Income Tax Guide 2004 would remain open, in my hands as I periodically glance and attempt to read.
Before I forget, special Thanks go to a Mr. Tan who drove me home and gave me mineral water after the party two days ago.
Before I forget, special Thanks go to a Mr. Tan who drove me home and gave me mineral water after the party two days ago.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
I've got three tests coming up next week, what a letdown. This week was supposed to be my mid term break - a week of getting some project work done, catching up with what I'd missed/not understood and possibly some free time to boot. Instead my weekend before school starts again is marred by my ongoing revision for those three tests, the type of revision where there never seems to be enough time. Argh. My left eye hurts, infection-like. I try not to think too much about the two birthday parties, a Kriedler gig and an R(A) movie that I would be missing.
All thanks to a particular up-and-coming new university for making my weekend so regrettable, not to mention, miserable.
All thanks to a particular up-and-coming new university for making my weekend so regrettable, not to mention, miserable.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Dilatation (Dilation) and Evacuation (D&E)
Used to abort unborn children as old as 24 weeks, this method is similar to the D&C. The difference is that forceps with sharp metal jaws are used to grasp parts of the developing baby, which are then twisted and torn away. This continues until the child’s entire body is removed from the womb. Because the baby’s skull has often hardened to bone by this time, the skull must sometimes be compressed or crushed to facilitate removal. If not carefully removed, sharp edges of the bones may cause cervical laceration. Bleeding from the procedure may be profuse. Dr. Warren Hern, a Boulder, Colorado abortionist who has performed a number of D&E abortions, says they can be particularly troubling to a clinic staff and worries that this may have an effect on the quality of care a woman receives. Hern also finds them traumatic for doctors too, saying "there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one's eyes. The sensation of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current."
Prostaglandins are naturally produced chemical compounds which normally assist in the birthing process. The injection of concentrations of artificial prostaglandins prematurely into the amniotic sac induces violent labor and the birth of a child usually too young to survive. Often salt or another toxin is first injected to ensure that the baby will be delivered dead, since some babies have survived the trauma of a prostaglandin birth and been born alive. This method is used during the second trimester. In addition to risks of retained placenta, cervical trauma, infection, hemorrhage, hyperthermia, bronchoconstriction, tachycardia, more serious side effects and complications from the use of artificial prostaglandins, including cardiac arrest and rupture of the uterus, can be unpredictable and very severe. Death is not unheard of.
What happens in such an instance when the baby turns out to be alive? If the doctor kills the baby after drug-induced birth, would that be considered murder?
Hysterotomy 2nd and 3rd Trimesters
Similar to the Caesarean Section, this method is generally used if chemical methods such as salt poisoning or prostaglandins fail. Incisions are made in the abdomen and uterus and the baby, placenta, and amniotic sac are removed. Babies are sometimes born alive during this procedure, raising questions as to how and when these infants are killed and by whom. This method offers the highest risk to the health of the mother, because the potential for rupture during subsequent pregnancies is appreciable. In the first two years of legal abortion in New York State, the death rate from hysterotomy was 271.2 deaths per 100,000 cases.
When so many methods have failed, doesn't it mean the baby should have a chance of survival after all? Why the insistence to abort as the baby proves that he/she too has a choice to live his/her life? I think the entire issue of abortion stems from the definition of when life begins. Well, I am not against abortion totally as I believe there are instances where abortions could be justified. Yet, to be an abortionist is definitely one career choice that I would never have considered.
Facts courtesy of Abortion Is Murder
Used to abort unborn children as old as 24 weeks, this method is similar to the D&C. The difference is that forceps with sharp metal jaws are used to grasp parts of the developing baby, which are then twisted and torn away. This continues until the child’s entire body is removed from the womb. Because the baby’s skull has often hardened to bone by this time, the skull must sometimes be compressed or crushed to facilitate removal. If not carefully removed, sharp edges of the bones may cause cervical laceration. Bleeding from the procedure may be profuse. Dr. Warren Hern, a Boulder, Colorado abortionist who has performed a number of D&E abortions, says they can be particularly troubling to a clinic staff and worries that this may have an effect on the quality of care a woman receives. Hern also finds them traumatic for doctors too, saying "there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one's eyes. The sensation of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current."
Prostaglandins are naturally produced chemical compounds which normally assist in the birthing process. The injection of concentrations of artificial prostaglandins prematurely into the amniotic sac induces violent labor and the birth of a child usually too young to survive. Often salt or another toxin is first injected to ensure that the baby will be delivered dead, since some babies have survived the trauma of a prostaglandin birth and been born alive. This method is used during the second trimester. In addition to risks of retained placenta, cervical trauma, infection, hemorrhage, hyperthermia, bronchoconstriction, tachycardia, more serious side effects and complications from the use of artificial prostaglandins, including cardiac arrest and rupture of the uterus, can be unpredictable and very severe. Death is not unheard of.
What happens in such an instance when the baby turns out to be alive? If the doctor kills the baby after drug-induced birth, would that be considered murder?
Hysterotomy 2nd and 3rd Trimesters
Similar to the Caesarean Section, this method is generally used if chemical methods such as salt poisoning or prostaglandins fail. Incisions are made in the abdomen and uterus and the baby, placenta, and amniotic sac are removed. Babies are sometimes born alive during this procedure, raising questions as to how and when these infants are killed and by whom. This method offers the highest risk to the health of the mother, because the potential for rupture during subsequent pregnancies is appreciable. In the first two years of legal abortion in New York State, the death rate from hysterotomy was 271.2 deaths per 100,000 cases.
When so many methods have failed, doesn't it mean the baby should have a chance of survival after all? Why the insistence to abort as the baby proves that he/she too has a choice to live his/her life? I think the entire issue of abortion stems from the definition of when life begins. Well, I am not against abortion totally as I believe there are instances where abortions could be justified. Yet, to be an abortionist is definitely one career choice that I would never have considered.
Facts courtesy of Abortion Is Murder
There are only two types of branded clothes in existence:
1. those that look no special, thus overpriced
2. those that look like they are fit for runway models (and no one else)
Why are designer fashionwear made for people who already look so good? They don't need the enhancement like plain Janes do. Heels are pointy most times, a feature that few people can look good in. Short females, try putting on these. Probably this explains why so many people buy LV wallets instead of donning branded clothes.
1. those that look no special, thus overpriced
2. those that look like they are fit for runway models (and no one else)
Why are designer fashionwear made for people who already look so good? They don't need the enhancement like plain Janes do. Heels are pointy most times, a feature that few people can look good in. Short females, try putting on these. Probably this explains why so many people buy LV wallets instead of donning branded clothes.
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Today I happened to be caught in the awkward situation of listening in on my friend and her boyfriend's conversation in the car, just as I did couple of years back on the bus home with another friend and her respective boyfriend. The surprising thing was that I note a parallel in the content of couples' conversations. There would always be an instance when the male would be doing all the talking, with incredulous effort. Almost making a mountain out of a molehill, he would describe in extreme detail the most uninteresting, boring event/ subject (today's incident brings to focus the specifications of a particular fashionable digital camera) as the girlfriend listens, in her undivided attention.
As with the previous few encounters, I have yet to understand the relevance of such an occurence and how it contributes to the effectiveness of mutual communication in a relationship.
As with the previous few encounters, I have yet to understand the relevance of such an occurence and how it contributes to the effectiveness of mutual communication in a relationship.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
KerLs says:
im helping out a former student with issues on msn now.
KerLs says:
moments like that, make me feel useful, and that im contributing to help them live their own lives
KerLs says:
lol.. sounds corny but true. they cant turn to their parents and im the next best thing to an adult.
GuAiShOu says:
whats that ?
KerLs says:
sex , bgr
GuAiShOu says:
GuAiShOu says:
can help me on sex too?
KerLs says:
hah.. yea right.. as if.
* * *
KerLs says:
my ex student has decided to save our conversation
KerLs says:
his and mine
GuAiShOu says:
for what?
KerLs says:
lol.. i guess he feels its not total crap that i m telling him
GuAiShOu says:
how old is he
KerLs says:
that i m fulfilling my function as an approachable semi-adult
KerLs says:
GuAiShOu says:
im helping out a former student with issues on msn now.
KerLs says:
moments like that, make me feel useful, and that im contributing to help them live their own lives
KerLs says:
lol.. sounds corny but true. they cant turn to their parents and im the next best thing to an adult.
GuAiShOu says:
whats that ?
KerLs says:
sex , bgr
GuAiShOu says:
GuAiShOu says:
can help me on sex too?
KerLs says:
hah.. yea right.. as if.
* * *
KerLs says:
my ex student has decided to save our conversation
KerLs says:
his and mine
GuAiShOu says:
for what?
KerLs says:
lol.. i guess he feels its not total crap that i m telling him
GuAiShOu says:
how old is he
KerLs says:
that i m fulfilling my function as an approachable semi-adult
KerLs says:
GuAiShOu says:
Friday, October 03, 2003
If the Valerie Plame affair does turn out to be the incriminating act of Bush loyalists, this term could very well be Bush Jr's last. Probably like the rock tied to the dead man's feet that condemned him to the depths of an electoral nonvictory.